Head of State
Head of State is an installation of photographic and sculptural works that focus on the cabbage as a symbol of national identity. I’m interested in what is revealed through iterative representations of the cabbage, and how materials can be used to think through ideas relating to personal, social and political experiences. I have created a series of banners and objects using traditional and digital methods, investigating the politics of agriculture, protest and commemoration. I’m interested in how the cabbage disrupts ideas of national identity to form new connections to ideas of citizenship and political agency.
Custom designed flags on trilobal polyester, aluminium rod. Chromogenic print, digital print on satin polyester, hand sewn banner, gold frill. Bronze, patina, hardwood lectern, velvet. Laser cut brass. Dimensions variable.
Head of State, VCA Art Grad show 2022, VCA Artspace, 2022.
Photos: Simon Strong
Incinerator Art Award, Art for Social Change 2023, 6 October - 19 November 2023, Incinerator Gallery. Winner People’s Choice Award. Download catalogue.
VCA Art Grad show 2022, VCA Artspace, 24-30 November 2022. Online catalogue.